Wednesday, November 18, 2015

G.I.G.-Day 18

  No thoughtful introspective intro today, just going to plunge right in!

Today I am thankful for:
1. Happy endings. I love a happy ending. In a book, on tv, in real life. And I am thankful that I have had many of my own.

2. Workout videos. I started out with Leslie Sansone, and it has all been uphill since then. But let's be honest: I would never actually go to a gym so I am thankful that I can get some exercise and never have to leave my house.

3. That I am in better shape now than I was in my twenties. I have never been athletic, and I kind of bought into a lie that you were either born that way or not. I will never be a professional, but I have definitely improved.

4. That the Lord allows us to change, and changes us. Not just physically. I am glad that we don't have to stay the same.

5. Dedicated turn lights. I love those little green arrows. I will drive around my elbow to not have to turn against traffic unprotected!

6. That our church was spared. A tree fell very close to our building and took down several power lines, but it thankfully missed the church.

7. Shoeboxes. I don't mean just because shoes come in them, but rather, Operation Christmas Child. We worked on putting together the donations through our Awana club tonight, and it just makes me so excited to think of all the kids that are being blessed by our own little clubbers! Also: it is amazing how many little things you can fit inside a box that size.

8.The joy of giving. Not just this time of year, and not just shoeboxes. I am thankful that the Lord made the act of generosity something that can bring us pleasure, and I know that is because it is near to His heart.

9. That we all have been given something we can give. Whether it is time, talent, or money-perhaps all three, none of us are completely without something to bless others with.

10. Forgiveness. Especially when it is unmerited.

11. Ponytails. They have saved many a "bad hair" day.

12. Netflix. Many, many entertaining hours wasted, umm, I mean enjoyed. ;) We ditched cable years ago and haven't looked back, thanks to the wonder of television on demand.

13. Frozen fruit. My morning smoothies wouldn't be nearly so wonderful without it.

14. Converse tennis shoes. I have trouble with my feet and these are a very important part of my wardrobe, not from a fashion standpoint, but from a comfort one.

15. Socks. I know some people hate having their feet covered, but I love it.

16. Kids who can read. Sometimes this backfires, but mostly it just seems so amazing that they can do it-and I taught them!

17. Trash bags. I can't imagine trying to deal with a can without a bag. I am thankful that someone invented those!

18. Listening to my kids laugh-with each other. So precious...

These random lists are harder than the focused ones! Here is hoping that I have some targeted inspiration tomorrow. :)

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