Wednesday, November 18, 2015

G.I.G.-Day 17

    Today we had a massive windstorm where I live. I have lived in lots of windy places, and I don't really think that Spokane is one. However, they do seem to store it all up and use it at once, so to speak. Last summer we had some really devastating windstorms, and I had hoped that we escaped that season this year, but I guess they can come summer or winter! Anyway, it definitely factored into my thankful things for today.

Today I am thankful for:

1.Being the middle floor apartment, and not the top one. I am pretty sure it is much louder hearing the wind tear at your roof. And also we won't have to worry about leaks or anything. :)

2. Having a safe, warm home. Regardless of what floor it is on.

3. Still having power. I know a number of friends and family are without electricity. We may lose it during the night, but we have kept it on for a significant number of hours longer than many.

4. The reminder that we serve a *very* powerful God. He is the Ruler of the wind-it bows to His command. Someone that has ultimate control over something as mighty as the wind? I want to serve Him!

5. Being able to open our home to family. One of my sisters is staying with us because she doesn't have power. I am glad to be able to offer her a place to stay!

6. Not being responsible for all the shingles that have come off the roof. A perk of renting. ;)

7. Not being responsible for all the fallen branches. Ditto the above.

8. That no trees have fallen on any of our belongings. I have a number of friends for whom that is not the case, sadly.

9. That my kids aren't affected by the school cancellations. I love homeschooling. We take our days off when we want to-not when some school boards says. I'm such a rebel! ;)

10. Staying in. I really am a homebody at heart. It took me years and a lot of frustrations to realize that, but I love being in my own little home.

11. My puzzle app. If you are staying at home, it is nice to have something mindless to do while watching tv and not going out. I find putting together puzzles very soothing, even if it is just on a touchscreen.

12. Having a little time to waste. That doesn't happen very often lately, and it was kind of nice.

13. Naps. Another good thing to do if you have a little extra time.

14. The sweetness of sleeping children. Finding Carson all curled up on our bed in the middle of the day today melted my heart a little. He's not all grown up yet.

15. That Joel had the day off. He couldn't work in the weather, so he got to hang out with us!

16. That he used that time to help me get stuff done. So I could proceed to the time-wasting activities above.

17. That one of those useful things was calling in the warranty on my phone so I could get a new one this week. Yay for having an extended warranty that paid off!

  Wow! That was easier than I thought. Who knew the weather could make one so thankful?

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