So, today is my mom's birthday. I hate that I haven't been able to be there for her birthday in a long time. She always made our birthdays so special. She is the originator of "the birthday week" and breakfast in bed. It was always fun to see if we could make her birthday as special as she made ours. Since I'm not there (and I didn't send a card-although I did get her gift there on time, does that count?) I thought I would dedicate a post to, in honor of her:
51 Things I Love About My Mom.:)
1. I loved grocery shopping with her, she always called me her "commissary buddy".
2. She makes the best pot roast. Ever.
3. She loves a book, I am sure that is where I got it from.
4. I remember her patiently reading so many really long series to us, the "Love Comes Softly" series, the "Little House" books, the "Zion Chronicles"...
5. She was great at encouraging us to memorize Scripture. She paid me $50 when I read the whole Bible the first time!
6. She always has candy in her purse-usually peanut M & Ms!
7. She likes eating in the car as much as I do.
8. She read every single one of the papers I wrote when I lived at home and was in college- and even some of the ones I wrote after I left.:)
9. She always bought really cool surprises for our road trips. And we took a LOT of road trips!
10. She loves to sing hymns. She got that from her mom and I got it from her!
11. She like to talk on the phone-me too!
12. She is the best clearance shopper. EVER! Every good tip I know I got from her.
13. She is a huge fan of Sonic's pebble ice.
14. I love going to McDonald's to get an ice cream cone with her in the afternoons.
15. She always buys fun books for my kids. At Goodwill! I love that.
16. She has the biggest Longaberger collection of anyone I know, but she is always excited to get a new basket.
17. She has the cutest tea parties with her grandkids.
18. She always does a great job with the laundry. She took much better care of my clothes than my friends' moms did.
19. I was never allowed to leave the house without my hair done. Don't worry Mom, I still don't go out without fixing it!
20. She always filled cute little purses with fun stuff for us to give as birthday gifts.
21. She had a terrific party for me when I turned 5. She made aprons-by hand-for all my guests.
22. She makes wonderful Red Velvet cake.
23. She loves a chocolate chip cookie with nuts in it.
24. She always told us that when she was little she would say that she would always have ice cream and chocolate syrup in her house when she grew up. And she does!
25. She always had separate Easter egg hunts for each of us, so we didn't have to fight over the eggs.
26. She puts together a mean Christmas stocking. It is one of the best parts of Christmas!
27. We (Katy, Lisa Dawn, Kelly, my Mom and I) all sang together at Christmas. It was really neat.
28. She is terrific at anything English related.
29. She is still a really good typist. I remember her typing my dad's papers when he was in medical school.
30. She knows the answer to almost any childhood medical problem. She is better than an on-call nurse!
31. She is never too busy to pray with me. Or anybody else for that matter!
32. She never forgets to take delight in the small things.
33. She had a journal that we took turns writing in when I was in middle school.
34. She loves a grilled hamburger. Pretty much anything grilled.
35. She loves a Reese's Peanut Butter cup, too.
36. She loves a neat cookbook.
37. If it is patriotic, she probably has it in her house. I always think of her when I see something red, white and blue.
38. She likes junk jewelry almost as much as I do!
39. She always took the time to kiss me at night. Even when I was in my 20's.
40. She always wakes up when she hears a sound in the night.
41. One of my sweetest memories is her rushing down to the basement with the phone in the middle of the night. It was Joel calling while he was deployed. My mom had hurt her foot but she wanted to make sure I didn't miss his call.
42. She loves our military and is so proud of her son-in-laws for serving.
43. She always irons for my dad. I think that is so sweet.
44. She finds fun things like the cool reusable bags she gave us.
45. She is very supportive of things like writing hobbies and cupcake themed bedrooms.:)
46. She has the most gorgeous, even, handwriting of anyone I know.
47. She loves Boston Baked Beans and Mallow Cups.
48. She is the original Bed Fairy (and Sniffy Bug!).
49. She never forgets how important little things are, like favorite candies and stuffed animals.
50. She always gave us cool stuff to take to summer camp.
51. She loves her family and Jesus and is the best mom ever.:)