I debated doing today, since it is technically not a true "carol". I added it onto the printable at the last minute, because I 100% adore this song (I'm a huge Relient K fan, and their Christmas album,
"Let it Snow, Baby, Let it Reindeer" is my absolute favorite) but I couldn't decide if I wanted to write about it. Now, that the day is almost over, I have decided I will! So many people talk about the "after Christmas letdown" but it is actually one of my favorite times of the year. I love to take down my tree, usually the day after Christmas, it has never stayed up past the 28th. I have friends who think that is crazy, but there is something so alluring to me about starting the New Year with a fresh, clean slate. In my house *and* in my heart. There isn't anything magical about the 1st of January, but it is easy to use it as a turning point. I don't really make New Year's resolutions, but it just feels like such a lovely beginning. The craziness of the holidays are over, life returns to a more regularly scheduled program and it just feels like anything is possible. I love to use it as a point of renewal, reminding myself to focus on what is really important, continuing to work towards a stronger faith and love in Christ, and eliminating everything that isn't completely what He wants. Christmas *does* make way for spring-when all things are new. Don't despair because Christmas is over-it is just the start of love and light.
This is the year to do whatever you do in word or deed for the Lord. That's a good thing!
"Boxing Day" by Relient K
Questions for thought and discussion;
1. What are some ways you can continue to channel the "Christmas spirit" through the New Year? Why do we limit our love for peace and joy to just one month?
2. New clothes for a New Year: what can you do *today* to put on garments of
"compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience...and love"? What about all year? Don't restrict the Christ of Christmas to December!
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