Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 25: "O, Holy Night"

   The day is finally here. All the holiday planning and preparing is about to come to fruition. Just like the night Christ was born. God carefully constructed His redemption story from the very beginning, and now He would set it all in motion. His lovingly wrapped Present didn't come in colorful paper or have a photo-worthy bow. But He had chosen it with the utmost care and He would give His very best...His One and Only Son. Don't skip today's song, please? I found out  an interesting fact: the original French version of the poem on which this song was based was written by a professed atheist. He was a noted poet and so the parish priest of his town asked him to write it to celebrate. That makes it clear: you can celebrate Christmas without celebrating Christ, you can give beautiful gifts, and sing lovely songs, and do all the right "things" and still not mean it. We can redeem this though by having hearts of true worship-we give the day its due value and meaning when we sanctify it by having our hearts and minds centered on Christ. Today of all days, the one the world has chosen to celebrate the Most Important Birthday Ever, we should take some time and add prayer and worship to the top of the list, don't you think? He gave His all, so that we can truly have all. Today is the day! Sing of His birth!

Lyrics: "O, Holy Night"
(You won't find this one in the 1991 Baptist Hymnal, either)

Questions for thought and discussion;
1. Why do you think a posture of kneeling or bowing is repeated so often in Scripture? Is there merit to that? Or is it just an ancient tradition we no longer need? Perhaps you would kneel in prayer today, maybe even bow down, face to the floor. Does that humble you?

2. Christmas night: when the Divine met the earthly as had never been seen before. Truly, the created had a first time opportunity (since Adam and Eve) to bow before the Creator. Do you see the beauty in this? What is your favorite character in the story? How did he or she demonstrate reverence and awe? How can that instruct your own worship.

3. Make plans to worship today, corporately or own your own. Expect to meet God the same way the  Magi did. I think you will be surprised.

Looking for the printable? Find it here. 

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