Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day 14: "Away In A Manger"

      This is probably the first carol most children learn. It is short, and simple. Yet, it is so poignant-thinking of our precious Lord and Savior as a tiny, helpless Baby, it all becomes much more real when we picture Him as being so much like our own dear, sweet children. Our fierce desire to protect them and care for them, to see them accomplish great things is a direct reflection of how God surely felt for His very own Son. I can't imagine laying my own son in a hay-filled feeding trough, but I am certainly thankful that God didn't mind so much...

Lyrics: "Away in a Manger"

The Baptist Hymnal (1991): #103

Questions for thought and discussion:
1. Jesus, who had all the power of God, did not consider Himself equal with God-even though He was! Every step of His life here on earth was marked with humility. Why does that make His message even more powerful? Why is humility also an essential to our own testimonies?

2. Have you ever really considered how lowly Christ's beginnings are? Even if you have, really reflect on that now. Perhaps you will weep when you think of how our SAVIOR came to earth. If it doesn't move you in some way, keep looking until it does.

3. In my personal opinion, God directed Christ's birth in such a manner to eternally remind us that He came as a servant, but there was nothing "normal" about Him. What specific parts of His birth story highlight that for you? Which parts were ordinary?

Looking for the entire printable? Find it here.

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