I love this deceptive weather we have been having. Every year around this time we have several days of summer, followed by a few days of what is a definite reminder that fall is coming. On Monday of this week we were gifted with temperatures in the 60's, clouds, wind and some rain. I made soup. Yesterday, it was 90 and the kids begged to fill the pool and pull out the slip-n-slide. I like that.
I can never decide if summer or fall is my favorite, so I like having a little of both. It is very representative of my divided state of mind. I love fall because I like sweaters and jeans, getting back into routine, looking forward to all the holidays and back-to-school supplies. However, I love summer, too. Can you ever have enough sun, lazy afternoons, trips to the pool or VBS? Colorado is very accommodating in that we will have plenty of weather to suit both sides of me for the next 6 or so weeks before it finally surrenders to being completely autumn. Although, not to worry because I am sure I will still be able to revel in a few rare days of unseasonable warmth sprinkled from November to April.
But I still have enough time to switch into my autumn mindset, choosing to be thankful for what this new season holds, rather than mourning the passing of what will not be around for 6+ months. I try not to always view the past with rose-colored glasses, favoring it over the future. I will be thankful that I can put away my summer things for my much more flattering winter ones. I will be glad that soon we can go back to having our windows open, rather than depending on artificially regulated air to cool our home. I will look forward to the great clearance sales that are soon to come on back to school items. :) We will begin looking for the perfect "Fall Festival" costumes. I will start the adventure of homeschooling...
But for these last few lingering days of summer I will also enjoy weather warm enough to continue to set up the slip-n-slide, hang out the laundry and reap the last of our tomatoes. I will enjoy the still-green grass, and be glad that all the children who attend public school are busily occupied while we enjoy the calm and uncrowded parks, pool and play areas. For right now, I have the best of both seasons and I will love them for what they are-and not have to sacrifice one for the other!
P.S. What do you think of my new blog layout? I was tired of feeling like the background was competing with everything else for attention. I want the focus to be on the posts, not everything else. It is very minimal, but it suits me for now. Good thing it is easy to change!
That's too funny because I definitely struggle with the decision about which season is my favorite. I used to adore fall, hands down, but now I really dread how it rolls into winter. If only fall would turn into spring. Ahhhh, that'd be the life! The older I get the more I realize I may have to 'winter' in Arizona in a few years :)
ReplyDeleteI love summer, but like days where you can't determine what the actual season is!
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with the new blog background? I must say that I am a fan of the old one and you should bring it back!
Good things for me to think about...my attitude is always to HATE the departure of summer. I love my job so that isn't the "real" issue, but lately it seems that everyone is getting excited for SNOW!!! Really?!?! I think that summer is an excellent season & really for more than no school and vacations - but fall is nice too. Fall as in Sept. and Oct. though, to me August is still summer, even if school has started!! :0)
ReplyDeleteI love your new blog background - simple is nice sometimes! Keep you posted about the sewing machine.
FALL!!! Summer Sucks;P I guess for me I never enjoy being hot, I don't like the water, and the days are too long. Fall is all my favorite things wrapped up in a few months. I am hoping here in Carolina that we get at least 2 months of fall before winter takes over.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Lisa Dawn the background is BLAH! Like the new layout and such, but your background should reflect your personality and you are the queen of accessories, so accessorize this blog!;)
Have to write fast.... Noah's naptime might be ending soon. ;) Like the background. Like simpleness (obviously, look at mine!) LOVE Summer, love to be warm, dreading Fall, dreading freezing my buns off all the time. Where do you shop for fun costumes for your kids? I actually get to do that this year!!
ReplyDelete~ Jen