Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thankfulness: From Hand to Heart Day 27

"All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God." 2 Corinthians 4:15 NIV

     The "all this" that Paul is talking about was the preceding verses were he encourages his readers, reminding them of how God's power is at work in their lives. They are walking and talking examples of His goodness, and this exemplification of grace is spreading-exactly what is intended for the Gospel.

  And that is cause for a big ol' gratitude party that is going to have one special guest of honor: God Himself. Because thanksgiving that recognizes the true source of all good things is always going to draw people to Him and bring glory to His name.

   So, straight to the point: how is your thanksgiving overflowing? Maybe every day you thank God for the norms: family, a roof, food. The basics. But is your gratitude really truly spilling out of you from all sides? Can someone spend just a few moments with you before they see your appreciation, even in the smallest of things? Are you practically synonymous with thanks? Is your pleasure over God's grace to you, and to all who receive it, blatantly obvious?

    So much has been done for your benefit-and that isn't just for you, it is for everyone who believes (John 1:12). That grace is continuously reaching more people, and that is a cause for rejoicing.

Today's Reflection:
     Is your thanksgiving truly overflowing? If not, a good place to start is by spending some time on God's grace to you, and how it is spreading to more and more people-salvations are occurring every day! Consider how your spirit of thankfulness can aid in that process and how that glorifies God. 

Looking for the printable scripture writing plan? Or another day of the "Thankfulness: From Hand to Heart" study? Find them here!

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