Friday, July 23, 2010

Lovin' Summer

We have been really busy trying to squeeze in a dozen activities this week before Joel goes back to work on Monday (boo for going back to work!however, happy for the paycheck!) and also before some of Josie's friends start school.

Monday- We went to the pool. We have discovered a love of the post pool. It was the second time we had been there in less than a week! We invited some friends to join us and had a great time enjoying splashing, "swimming" (the kids love paddling around in their life vests) and going down the water slides.

Tuesday- We visited the Denver Zoo with some different friends. We had never been there before. We were worried it might rain but Josie prayed and it didn't! So cute.:) They have a great elephant exhibit. Carson loved the animals, it was sweet. Josie had her final ice-skating lesson for this session. She passed Snowplow Sam One with flying colors and is eager to start her next class.

Wednesday-We finally did some grocery shopping (big news to us!) and caught our first SkySox game. Carson sat perfectly still and watched the first 4 innings-completely enraptured! It was adorable. They both enjoyed dancing to the fun music and they made it up on the big screen twice. The home team lost (badly- 2 to 8) but it was still fun. I was really impressed with how well the kids behaved.

Thursday- This was a big day for me! I climbed the Incline with some friends. We had some time constraints, so we only went up half way and came down the trail. If you are not familiar with the Incline it is a mile-long set of "stairs", made of railroad ties, leading up a mountain. I use the word stairs loosely because they are not evenly spaced, placed or sized. It is one of the toughest workouts I have ever done! I am ready to go back and tackle the whole thing, though, even the 4.3 mile trail back down. It was amazing! Joel took the kids back to the pool, which they thought was great. The pool also encourages napping, so I think that is great!Then Josie had a party at church so Joel and I spent some quality time with Carson. That was fun, we don't get too much one on one with him. I also was able to score some great deals at Gymboree with some Gymbucks I had been hoarding since late May. I heart new Gymboree!

Friday- We are going to the "Spray Park" today with the friends we accompanied to the zoo. We went once last year and the kids really enjoyed all the different nozzles and water features. We are going to picnic and soak up the sun. Next week it is back to routine so we have to squeeze in all the fun we can!


  1. Never been to the Denver Zoo, but always wanted to go. Been everywhere else it seems. =) Love a good Sky Sox game!! Too bad it wasn't the night for fireworks. =( Next time, call me when you go to Gymboree. I need to score good deals too.... and still can't figure out how to get Gymbucks.... Where is this Spray Park? I will need to know of its whereabouts maybe next Summer. ;)

    ~ Jen

  2. Your week sounds as busy as my next few weeks are going to be! With Adam's 30th, and Abigail's 1st birthday (5 days apart), and getting Hannah ready for Kindergaten! We had so much fun at the zoo and spray park! They girls keep asking to back to the spray park!
    I am looking forward to doing the incline in September with you( I might try and go one time with my brother before that, so I am as good as you)!




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