Dear Josie,
I suppose maybe I should have started this letter with "Dear Jocelyn", because mostly that is what you tell people your name is now. It is funny that I am the mom, and I am not using your full name, but I suppose that is because somehow it makes you seem a little less grown-up. I wouldn't say I am dreading you growing up (I know the opposite would be much worse-*not* growing up) but it is coming faster and faster. The beautiful thing about you, though, is that you are not really trying to rush it at this point.
Because if there is anything I can learn from you, it is about enjoying the moment. You were so excited for your birthday, but you didn't beg and plead for it to come more quickly. And today, you were your usual cheerful self, helpful and happy, without being a nag. I love that about you. Everyone tells me how happy you are-and I am so thankful that you are so positive and sweet. You don't let much get you down!
And I know that your joy really comes from the Lord. You just can't seem to get enough of Him, or His house or the Word. You have a zest for all those things that is inspiring.Last week I asked you about going to breakfast for your birthday and you told me, "Mom, can we just pick up donuts on Saturday night, so I don't have to miss church?". You thrive on Awana, and Sunday School, and VBS- you would be there any time the doors are open, and often your perception of spiritual things amazes me. I am so thankful that you let the Lord have such control over your life!
I can't wait to see what He has planned for you this year. Eight was one of my favorite years, so many good things happened in my life, and I hope that it is the same for you. You have matured so much this last year. You haven't lost any of your creativity or playfulness-instead you are really learning how to direct it. Watching you sew Barbie clothes from scratch was hilarious-you really have a talent for that kind of thing! You love to make things- and while I definitely don't love the mess, your artistic abilities never cease to amaze me.
I am looking forward to seeing your relationship with Carson as it changes, too. You were instrumental in helping to lead Carson to Jesus-and that thought makes my heart overflow. You are a great big sister, (almost) always willing to play and teach. You helped him with a reading lesson the other day, and it was so sweet. You sometimes get aggravated with his people-pleasing tendencies, but usually you get along splendidly. I love your love for each other!
I just really love you. I don't always understand you, but I'm glad that you are such a marvelous creation. I keep praying that the Lord will show me how to parent you just right-because you don't deserve anything less than the best. Your dad is so proud of you- he tells me often how much he likes you, and you know that is saying a lot. We both love you so much, and a day never goes by that we don't thank the Lord for you. I love you, my sweet Josie-girl. Happy Birthday!
That has to be one of THE cutest cakes I have ever seen!!! Looks like she had a blast at her party! =) Can't believe she's 8..... sheesh!
ReplyDelete~ Jen