
Friday, February 20, 2015

Practically Perfect Rice Krispy Treats

     Rice Krispy Treats. A snack so easy that monkeys could make it. However, if you have been faithfully following the recipe from Kellogg's all these years (or Jet-Puffed) you are missing out on a truly delicious dessert! I won't claim to be a genius, I'm sure other people have tweaked their recipes, too. But I have come up with a tried and true method for making better-than-average Rice Krispy Treats that will make you wonder why you didn't make them this way before.

    My changes are small, but they are important. I don't like dry Rice Krispy Treats-so if you like them to taste more like cereal and less like a sweet than you will want to stick to the old way. But if you prefer them to be gooey and buttery and vanilla-y, then you should definitely try my changes. So easy, but so much better!

1/4 c. butter (only use real butter)
6 cups miniature marshmallows (the entire bag)
5 cups Rice Krispy cereal
1/4-1/2 tsp. vanilla, depending on how much you like (the secret ingredient!)

    Melt the butter over medium heat in a large stock pot. Add the marshmallows once the butter is completely melted and stir continuously until melted. As soon as the mixture is completely smooth, remove from heat and carefully add the vanilla (It can react with the hot sugar add slowly!). Stir in completely and then add cereal and mix well. Dump mixture into a well buttered 9x9 (this makes them thicker and more chewy). Wet your hands with water and press firmly into the dish. Allow to set up (usually not more than 30 minutes) before cutting into squares. I usually dump the entire dish over onto a cutting board and use a large serrated knife to get even squares. Makes 16. Try not to eat them all! If you don't, cover tightly with plastic wrap to store.

   I know it doesn't seem like any huge differences, but I have found these little changes make people rave about these Rice Krispy Treats. The whole thing is kind of hilarious, because in my family I was known for years as "the girl who burned the Rice Krispy treats". How, you ask? Because if you burn the butter and then dump everything in anyway, the whole thing turns out to be a gross mess. I've come a long way since then!

Linked up at:
"Thrifty Thursday" at Living Well, Spending Less


  1. Yummy! I love homemade Rice Krispy treats. The girls and I will definitely have to give these a try! :) Lana

    1. Let me know what you think! I really think the vanilla makes it better, but I love vanilla in almost everything sweet. :)
