
Friday, December 13, 2013

Pretty Peppermint Tree

This week has had two special blog "firsts" for me. I shared my first printable! That was very exciting. And today, I am guest posting for the first time ever! Anne, of "Planting Sequoias" graciously agreed to share her little corner of the blog world with me today. I shared a post about a whimsical peppermint tree I made!

  This little candy-covered tree makes me happy every time I look at it. It is just a fun, simple decoration with a lot of charm. I put together step-by-step instructions for how to make your own peppermint tree. So jump over to "Planting Sequoias" to check it out! Drop Anne a comment, and maybe she will ask me back!;)

P.S. (updated as of 12/4/14) I had people ask about how well it would store. True story: I packaged mine in clear wrap, and then carefully bundled it in packing paper and put it with my other decor in a Rubbermaid container. We moved over 800+, stored it in a shed for 6 months, I schlepped it to our new apartment, and opened it, thinking for sure it would be ruined. Nope! It stood up like a champ! It had lost two candy pieces, which I hotglued on, and it is proudly standing on my bookshelf. You can definitely store this-I didn't even shellac mine. Love this thing!

Linked up at:
"Whatever Goes Wednesday" at Someday Crafts
"Thursdays are Your Days" at 52 Mantels 
"Thriving on Thursdays" at Domesblissity
"Lovely Ladies Linky" at Life With The Crust Cut Off 
"Pin It Thursday" at Sweet Bella Roos 
"Thrifty Thursday" at Living Well, Spending Less 
"Craft Frenzy Friday" at Craft Dictator


  1. I love the tree. Very cute and festive. You're really making your way up the 'blog' ladder with all your guest posts/postings. Way to go! Maybe one day you'll be a famous blogger. Just don't forget to post on my blog every now and then when you're rubbing elbows with the rich and famous :)

  2. Awesome, Clare! So glad to have you. :) Thanks for an excellent post!
