
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Red and Turquoise Ribbon Tree

I have decided that when it comes to "crafty" things, often Pinterest is a better springboard for my own ideas than a "how-to" manual. I saw a pin for  a tree made with paper strips here. I loved the concept, but I decided that I was changing my Christmas decor colors this year, and I knew it wouldn't be easy to find double sided scrapbook paper this time of year in turquoise and red. Also, I would have needed to trim my paper with a paper cutter. I would *love* one of those, but I don't currently have one. So, I decided to make mine with ribbon!

I picked up all my supplies at Hobby Lobby (trying to make sure I support them!)
- a 3 7/8x6 7/8 inch foam tree (with my color scheme a white tree would have been preferable, but they only had green)
-5 rolls of 3/8 inch ribbon, 15 feet each. Yes, you WILL need that much ribbon! I also used about 18 inches for the bow at the top of a different ribbon.
-some type of small ornament or decoration for the top of your tree if it is like mine, which was flat at the top.
-straight pins. A bunch, I didn't count how many!
The whole thing cost me about $8 dollars (I used my 40% off coupon on the tree).
Start by cutting your ribbon into six inch segments. I used a ruler to wrap my ribbon around, cut the ends and then cut all those sections in half. It doesn't have to be perfect.
I realized that I would need to cover up just the bottom part of my tree because the green showed through the bottom layer. Once I added the second layer it covered better. So I used some wider plain red ribbon wrapped around the bottom and pinned on to keep the green from showing.
This is just about the easiest project ever! You match the ends of each strip together and poke a pin through the end into the tree. Try to keep the rows relatively even and I just started each row about two inches above the one below it. I alternated red and turquoise ribbons, and I overlapped each strip just the tiniest bit so there wouldn't be any empty spots.
I finished off the top of my tree by wrapping it with a little strip of ribbon to cover up all the pin heads. I tied a bow on top of the ornament (the circle on top was for a hook, but I thought the ribbon was just perfect!) and hot glued the ornament on the flat place at the top of the tree.
The whole thing only took me a little over an hour! A friend commented that they thought it looked a little more "4th of July" than Christmas, but I'm not offended. It makes me happy every time I look at it! And I love it with this amazing printable I got from "The Crafted Sparrow". I really think it is just so sweet when people give away adorable stuff like that for free. Now go, make your own adorable tree!





  1. I think it looks 4th of July too. However, with it being a tree, I think it can pass for both.

    Super cute idea. I may as well start checking out your blog instead of Pinterest! ;)

    ~ Jen

  2. I think I missed a couple of your posts. What an adorable tree!
