
Monday, July 18, 2011

Quick Check-In

A little sneak peak of beautiful North Carolina...

I feel like I haven't posted in forever! We went on vacation and I am planning to post my recap(s) soon, but those take some time to put together and that is a scarce commodity right now. I am in my third week of VBS (once at our home church, once on post, and now a mission VBS nearby) and still unpacking from the aforementioned vacation. However, I did not want anyone to think that I fell off the face of the earth. Just trying to get back to real life, and it is taking a while to cross over. I hope to be back at it soon. Did you miss me?


  1. YES, I missed you. You're the only one who faithfully comments on my blog. While we long to have a bevvy of followers, alas, we'll have to make do with the wonderful words of family and a few close friends. Glad you're home! ~love~
