
Monday, January 25, 2010

Status Update for 1/10

So out of ideas I have resort to the old blog standby:
Sitting-in front of my computer
Eating-nothing because I just had lunch!:) Chicken fries and tater tots-can you guess I have preschoolers?
Listening-to my dryer, waiting for the whites to finish so I can move the darks.
Cleaning-everything, because today is cleaning day...finished 1 out of 6 rooms. I have a loooong way to go!
Praying-for the man from Compassion International who is still missing, as far as I know.
Studying-"The Excellent Wife" and "Motherwise"-until I add one more Bible study in February!
Reading-the rest of the Bible because I was still a month behind when January hit. Almost done...
Thinking-about sending another blog into PWOC. Any body want to recommend a favorite? I was thinking about "Post Housing" but thought that might be a little obvious.
Finishing-the taxes. I still need a little more paperwork. Does anybody know if there is a minimum amount of savings interest you have to have to record it? Because we only get like $10 a year...:)
Planning- a play date with friends, my Trek lesson, and my board report for PWOC!
Going- to finish this because I hear Carson waking up from his nap! Gotta run!


  1. I love a status report. It's fun to see what people are up to on a regular basis. Of course if we lived near each other we'd be up to date, but that isn't going to happen this week or next :) Maybe in the not too distant future! Give your babies a squeeze from all of us here! Love ya!

  2. Funny (lol, really).... just as I was reading that you "heard Carson waking up from his nap," Noah started fussing and waking up from his. Weird timing. Guess I better go....

    Love your new blog layout. The colors are fabulous!! =)

    ~ Jen
