
Monday, November 10, 2008

Big Blur

I really don't know how to classify what happened this weekend. Actually, this whole week has kind of been a blur! My mom keeps telling me I need to simplify my schedule, but it is a little late now. I leave for Texas on Tuesday so it won't do me any good. Anyhow, a quick rundown of my schedule for last week reveals:
Monday-play date in the morning, drop off Josie, 4 hour Bible read in the afternoon (a really neat experience by the way)
Tuesday-PWOC in the morning, I had to take a potluck dish which I hate! lunch,nap and then Target that night (more of an ordeal for me by myself with two kids than it should be) Wednesday-I had to look for a smaller stroller because I can't fit my huge double train, oops I mean stroller, in my sister's van and it is also a huge, both literal and physical, in the airport. I also had a return to the mall so those errands occupied most of my day.
Thursday-make up study and lunch with my PWOC Bible study group. That lasts a lot longer than I think and I am home by almost 3:00pm in time to find out I planned the wrong Awana lesson for that night. Great! I totally revamp it, race to the commissary to buy Twinkies-everyone and there dog was there and it wasn't even payday! The Twinkie lesson is a big hit. I head home to plan "favors" for my Friday group.
Friday-My Bible study at church is on Friday mornings. I was 30 minutes late due to various hang-ups, but I arrived "favors" in hand (which we didn't even end up using!). Lunch with the girl who is house-sitting for me, home for a couple of hours and then back out to a friend's house for an Arbonne party.
This is where is gets ugly. My truck decides not to start. We jump it-no success. My friend's mother-in-law graciously offers me and my children a ride to the south end of town-30 minutes away! We arrive to discover that I left my house key at my friend's house. I frantically call the girl who is house-sitting (praise the Lord I had given her my spare that very day!) she brings it over. All is well, right?
Saturday- My friends drive my truck back to me. It had started with no problem-maybe there are such things as Gremlins? I feel "funky" which spirals into a (thankfully short) case of stomach bug. Another friend picks Josie up to spend the night which allows me to go to bed at 8:30 pm.
Anyway, that is my crazy week. I write this more for my own memory, certainly to remind me that God carries me through! I forgot to add that somewhere in there my phone stopped working and I had to switch it out with my husband's. I didn't do any packing and precious little house cleaning so that all awaits today. I suppose the moral of the story is that I really can do all things through Christ who gives me strength but I probably shouldn't try to literally do everything! Oh well, that can be my New Year's resolution... :)


  1. I'm very glad you are feeling better! And, though you had some trials and I wish you had not... I'm certainly grateful for the extra time I had with your sweet Josie! She makes us smile!

  2. I hate that you had such a crazy week, but I love that we got to spend over an hour chatting on Saturday. I know things will seem much calmer once you get to Robyn's. Even if it gets hectic, there will be two of you to deal with it :)

  3. Crazy week? Sounds per normal for you and me! Just kidding, however I do totally think that after the first of the year you and I should commit to no more than 4 days out of the house per week. What you do think? I can't wait to see you and "simply" your life with all my "help" LOL! See ya tomorrow! Love~Me

  4. Wow. I think my own head is spinning just from reading that! Crazy girl ;) I hope your trip goes well and is fun and relaxing!

  5. You should listen to your mother! The apple never falls far from the tree, isn't that what they say? Perhaps that is how I know you should simplify your life. Can't wait to see you. Love, MOM

  6. oh Clare, I can relate, we are somewhat alike. :) But the good thing is, somehow, I was able to cope up after I pray to God for help.

  7. I can sort of sympathize with you, the reason I haven't blogged in awhile is because I have been so busy.
